About Lisa

木村理沙 LISA KIMURA / Filmmaker, Workshop tutor





2015年より広島県福山市在住。映像制作、映像イベント主催、学校やワークショップにて映像制作の指導を行っている。 広島のタウン情報誌「WINK」にて、映像コラムを毎月連載中。


Born in Tokyo in 1985, Lisa began learning drawing at the age of 9. Later at the age of sixteen, she started filmmaking. During her four-year study at Nihon University College of Art, Lisa completed several projects, including short films and commercial films.

After graduating from University, Lisa worked for companies cre ating videos for music, wedding, waste/water treatment, sludge recycling facilit ies, and graphic design. From 2013, she started teaching art to children, along with freelance

filmmaking and graphic design. In addition to making films, Lisa became actively involved in filmmaking workshops for children, college students, and art events.

From 2018, she has been writing monthly filmmaking columns for a local magazine.


資格:普通自動車第一種運転免許、TOEIC 870、オープンスカイパイロット(ドローン)、色彩検定3級


サイダーの味 (2004) /JCF学生映画祭入選

Memory of a Soda Pop (2004) JCF Student Film Festival - Selected


さくら貝 (2005)  札幌国際短編映画祭 ジャパンスペシャルプログラム選定 他多数上映

The Cherry Shell (2005) Sapporo International Short Film Festival - Selected (Japan Special Program)


赤鬼ブルース(2007) 日本大学芸術学部映画学科実習作品。

The Red Devil Blues (2007) 


ピンぼけの星クズ (2008) 日本大学芸術学部映画学科卒業制作。バンド・PLEGLICOのニューアルバム購入特典としてタワーレコードでDVD配布

After The Future (2008) - Graduation Film of Nihon University Of Art


The Independent (2015) 映画少年短編映画祭選定、夜空と交差する森の映画祭上映、短編映画紹介サイトVIddsee選定 他国内外の映画祭で多数上映

The Independent (2015) - Kyoto International Film Festival (Selected), Forest Movie Festival (Selected), Canada International Film Festival (Selected), Carmarthen Bay Film Festival (Selected), Miami Independent Film Festival (Selected) etc,


波打ち際と私(2018) - Gigi Aulard/Indie Short Fest入選

The Shore and I (2018) - Indie Short Fest (Selected)


Via Sacra (2019) /Kosice International Monthly Film Festival(グランプリ)、バーミンガム映画祭 入選・上映、Indpendent Short Awards入選

Via Sacra (2019) - Kosice International Monthly Film Festival (Award Winner), Birmingham Film Festival (Selected), Independent Short Awards (Selected), Mikro FAF (Selected)


Summer Daydream 2020 (2020)/Short Shot Fest (Selected), Rising Sun International Film Festival (Selected)


からっぽ (2020) - 屑星/Direct Online Monthly Film Festival (Festival Choice Award), Kosice International Monthly Film Festival (Honorable Mention), Film In Focus (Selected) and more...